Finding 1: Top SQL Statements
Impact is 17.86 active sessions, 61.29% of total activity.
SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. These
statements offer a good opportunity for performance improvement.
Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning
Estimated benefit is 4.76 active sessions, 16.35% of total activity.
Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SELECT statement with SQL_ID
Related Object
SQL statement with SQL_ID XXXXXXXXXXX.
The SQL spent 99% of its database time on CPU, I/O and Cluster waits.
This part of database time may be improved by the SQL Tuning Advisor.
Database time for this SQL was divided as follows: 100% for SQL
execution, 0% for parsing, 0% for PL/SQL execution and 0% for Java
SQL statement with SQL_ID "XXXXXXXXXXX" was executed 1094801 times and
had an average elapsed time of 0.015 seconds.
I/O and Cluster wait for INDEX "XXXXXX.XXXXXXXX" with
object ID 2133671 consumed 47% of the database time spent on this SQL
以上信息描述SQL_ID XXXXXXXXXXX 99%用于CPU,I/O和群集等待已执行1094801次,并且平均执行时间为0.015秒。基于xxxx索引(object ID 2133671)的I/O和群集等待占用数据库时间的47%,建议使用SQL tuning进行优化分析。
使用SQL tuning进行分析
set autot off
set timing off
my_task_name VARCHAR2(30);
my_task_name := dbms_sqltune.create_tuning_task(begin_snap => 22176, --开始快照号
end_snap => 22184, --结束快照号
sql_id => "2hrbkst309jyj", --sqlid
scope => "COMPREHENSIVE", --优化范围(limited或comprehensive)
time_limit => 60, --优化过程的时间限制
task_name => "tuning_sql_test", --优化任务名称
description => "tuning"); --优化任务描述
DBMS_SQLTUNE.EXECUTE_TUNING_TASK( task_name => "tuning_sql_test");
exec dbms_sqltune.execute_tuning_task("tuning_sql_test");
SELECT task_name,status FROM USER_ADVISOR_TASKS WHERE task_name ="tuning_sql_test";
--4、 查看优化结果
set long 999999
set serveroutput on size 999999
set line 120
select DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_TUNING_TASK( "tuning_sql_test") from dual;
exec dbms_sqltune.drop_tuning_task("tuning_sql_test");
第4步中查询SQL tuning建议内容如下:
绑定sql profileSQL tuning的第一个建议是绑定推荐的profile,使用并行。但也提示使用parallel可能带来的高资源消耗。最后部分可以看到未使用parallel与使用parallel DB time对比。
1- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below)
A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement.
Recommendation (estimated benefit: 99.13%)
- Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile to use parallel execution
for this statement.
execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name => "tuning_sql_test",
task_owner => "SYS", replace => TRUE, profile_type =>
Executing this query parallel with DOP 128 will improve its response time
99.13% over the original plan. However, there is some cost in enabling
parallel execution. It will increase the statement"s resource consumption by
an estimated 11.03% which may result in a reduction of system throughput.
Also, because these resources are consumed over a much smaller duration, the
response time of concurrent statements might be negatively impacted if
sufficient hardware capacity is not available.
The following data shows some sampled statistics for this SQL from the past
week and projected weekly values when parallel execution is enabled.
Past week sampled statistics for this SQL
Number of executions 2648
Percent of total activity 1.79
Percent of samples with #Active Sessions > 2*CPU 0
Weekly DB time (in sec) 483633.69
Projected statistics with Parallel Execution
Weekly DB time (in sec)
建立索引第二个建议是建立索引,可以看到不同的执行计划:Plan hash value: 612724806,现使用执行计划,Time为00:36:55;Plan hash value: 2621731162,使用新的索引后,Time从00:36:55提升为00:05:53;Plan hash value: 3522323416,使用并行后,Time从00:36:55提升为00:00:20。
2- Index Finding (see explain plans section below)
The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more
Recommendation (estimated benefit: 84.07%)
- Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design
or creating the recommended index.
create index XXXXX.IDX$$_5191F0001 on
Creating the recommended indices significantly improves the execution plan
of this statement. However, it might be preferable to run "Access Advisor"
using a representative SQL workload as opposed to a single statement. This
will allow to get comprehensive index recommendations which takes into
account index maintenance overhead and additional space consumption.
1- Original
Plan hash value: 612724806
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CP
U)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 8052 | 2665K| 184K (1)| 00:36:55 |
|* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | |
|* 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| xxxxxxxxxx | 8052 | 2665K| 184K (1)| 00:36:55
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter(ROWNUM<=:1)
2 - filter("STAT"="0" AND SUBSTR("ESN",-1)="6" AND "INFO_TYPE"<>"4")
2- Using New Indices
Plan hash value: 2621731162
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 10000 | 3310K| 29383 (1)| 00:05:53 |
|* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | |
|* 2 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 50325 | 16M| 29383 (1)| 00:05:53 |
|* 3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX$$_5191F0001 | 46977 | | 115 (0)| 00:00:02 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter(ROWNUM<=:1)
2 - filter("INFO_TYPE"<>"4")
3 - access("DM_DATAREG_USER_INFO_ZL_T"."qsmmix_VCol_5001"="6" AND "STAT"="0")
3- Using Parallel Execution
Plan hash value: 3522323416
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
TQ |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 8052 | 2665K| 1601 (0)| 00:00:20 | | | |
|* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | | |
| |
| 2 | PX COORDINATOR | | | | | |
| | |
| 3 | PX SEND QC (RANDOM) | :TQ10000 | 8052 | 2665K| 1601 (0)| 00:00:20 | Q1,00 | P->S | QC (RAND) |
|* 4 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | |
| | Q1,00 | PCWC | |
| 5 | PX BLOCK ITERATOR | | 8052 | 2665K| 1601 (0)| 00:00:20 | Q1,00 | PCW
C | |
|* 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 8052 | 2665K| 1601 (0)| 00:00:20 | Q
1,00 | PCWP | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter(ROWNUM<=:1)
4 - filter(ROWNUM<=:1)
6 - filter("STAT"="0" AND SUBSTR("ESN",-1)="6" AND "INFO_TYPE"<>"4")
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